and it’s Friday

It was a weird week with it being the first week back from winter break and have two days off due to weather and a delay today.  One week into trying to hit my steps and today is the first day I’m going to miss – I just didn’t have it in me to hit the treadmill tonight to finish it off.   I have been doing a pretty good job with tracking my food though so hopefully I start to see a difference on the scale when I weigh in on the weekend.

It is bitter cold out and I think the snow we are have on the driveway is going to be here awhile – the sleet type stuff from last weekend never quite melted before the snow started earlier this week.

We took the kids to Five Guys for dinner which I haven’t had in ages and then to Meijer to get something with some of their Christmas money.  Ellie got a craft thing where she makes three little pillows and Isaac got a Nerf Zombie gun which he seems to be totally into.


I picked up an OOMA today on meh which I’ve been eyeballing for a while as a way to keep a “home” phone while saying some cash off of what AT&T charges per month.  Once it gets here and I get it setup I’ll post my thoughts on how it works.

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